An experienced resource for securing and integrating leadership talent into family-run organizations.

The ExeQfind Group has deep experience securing management and leadership talent for family-run organizations to include small, mid to large market enterprises, holding companies and family offices.

From succession planning to executive search, we understand that the family-owned enterprise requires a different level of nuance, discretion, and sensitivity than that in other public or private entities.

Succession Planning

Hiring the wrong successor can be costly or even deal a fatal blow to your business.  Our search consultants will work closely with you to understand your needs in advance and then align talent best suited to meet those needs.

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Planning your organization’s next generation of leaders can be more challenging than expected – even when you have eager replacements waiting to take on the role.

Regardless of whether you are developing internal talent or planning to do a broader search, today’s rapidly evolving business climate can be unforgiving and bad choices don’t go without consequences.

What can go wrong?  Family-run businesses that bring in non-family for executive roles often lose them within the first year which can be disruptive and costly.  Family-run businesses that hire internal candidates (family or non-family) can see such decisions go awry over unresolved family issues or misalignment between a candidate’s skills and the demands of the role. Taking the time to undergo careful succession planning with the objectivity of a third-party consultant is key to avoiding expense and disruption.  The ExeQfind Group has extensive expertise in navigating sensitive family business dynamics and our services are designed to set the stage for a successful outcome.  We will work with you to assess what’s working, what’s needed, and defining the role, goals and accountabilities in the desired hire.  Engaging our consultants in succession planning and the subsequent search process to ensure your family business thrives into the next generation of evolution.

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Our services and support don’t stop at selection and hire.  Our placements are guaranteed for one year after hire which means we have a key stake in the success of your new leadership hire. 

Within the family business dynamic, it is critical that the integration of external leadership be done with full awareness as to the differences that can play a role in success or failure.  The ExeQfind Group has the experience needed to ensure every potential obstacle to success is considered and explored.  For more information on the top considerations for integrating an external leader in a family-run company, please see the following article.

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(770) 375-0784